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Architectural Excellence: Mason & Main’s Retail and Dining Precinct

Architectural Excellence: Mason & Main’s Retail and Dining Precinct

At Mason & Main, we prioritise design excellence as a fundamental principle. Our partnership with Woods Bagot on the brand new Retail and Dining Precinct at Mason & Main will play a pivotal role in shaping a new destination for Merrylands.

The expansive 9,000 sqm Retail and Dining Precinct will set the tone for a unique blend of wellness, retail, dining, and lifestyle offerings that Merrylands is yet to experience. The Precinct will feature around 30 retail tenancies, with beauty and wellness outlets, childcare, and various lifestyle boutiques, in addition to ‘Eat Street’ – a thriving day and night dining experience.

Domenic Alvaro, Director at Woods Bagot, has worked closely on Mason & Main since its early planning. He says, “Good architecture enhances the overall appeal, functionality, and desirability of a precinct, making it more likely to attract high-quality tenants who appreciate and value the qualities that well-designed spaces can offer.”

This commitment to architecture extends far beyond aesthetics. It is foundational in shaping a precinct’s identity and cultivating enduring relationships with our tenants. Domenic emphasises, “Tenants are also seeking precincts that promise long-term value. Good design will make it an attractive investment for property owners and tenants.”

In line with this view, Joseph Nahas, Managing Director of Coronation Property, says, “Our commitment to design excellence is an investment in the enduring success of our projects. It involves anticipating trends, understanding market dynamics, crafting spaces that surpass expectations, and creating a community for everyone to appreciate.

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